The start of your journey to
'Higher Self'
Understand how you behave when you’re not at your best, and contrast this with how you show up when you’re calm, centred, spacious and expansive, which is where you want to be most of the time.
About the report
Our Enneaworld feedback reports are easy to read, easy to understand and provide great insight into people's natural gifts, behaviour and why people behave the way they do. We're sure that you'll get to know yourself in a deeper way by working through your report.
A Useful Tip: Although you might choose to do this on your own, many people find great value in discussing the feedback with a trusted coach, counsellor or mentor - so you may want to consider that as well.
Getting started
Allow 20 minutes to complete the test.
Your responses and your feedback report are completely confidential and secure.
Answer the multiple-choice questionnaire honestly for accurate results.
Choose responses that reflect patterns of behaviour in your youth that are still present.